Rebecca Smollen: by Capri and Sahara


Name: Rebecca Smollen @sirensandseaplanes

DOB: 26 January 1978

Place of birth: Sydney

Occupation: Full time mum & style/travel content creator for @sirensandseaplanes

Did you always know you wanted to become a mom?

Yes for as long as I can remember my number one goal in life was to be a mum. Whenever anyone used to ask me as a child what I wanted to be when I grew up, I was always so fast to respond “A MUM!!” There was never a doubt in my mind. For me, being a mum was just a natural progression for the female journey.

What brings you joy when you are having a bad day?

Seeing the constant smiles and enthusiasm for life from our daughters, topped off with their warm, giant bear hugs. Because kids are so intuitive, they are the first to notice when I’m feeling off kilter and the quickest at turning any sadness or frustration into optimism and laughter.

What are some items in your life you cannot live without?

Lipstick without a doubt. I rarely wear any makeup on my face as I prefer fresh clean skin, but I'm a sucker for lippy! Charlotte Tilbury I'm always amazed at how a simple pop of lip colour can brighten any look. My phone and a statement crossbody bag are definitely on the ‘can’t live without list’ too!

How do you grow your creativity?

This is an interesting question as I feel we organically grow creativity on a daily basis in so many aspects of life, without even consciously thinking about it. Curiosity leads you to creativity, doing something you love, drawing inspiration from others who inspire you, unplugging or just do nothing, exercising (gets the creative endorphins flowing), cooking, travel, fashion, reading, setting the right mood (listening to music!), seeking advice or feedback, constantly

changing/evolving in the way you do things. All of these collectively contribute to growing creativity in some way or another.

What energises you?

Exercise & healthy eating first & foremost. I have always loved exercise, it's never been a chore. For me it’s such an important and very natural part of life. On the odd day I don’t do some form of exercise, my energy levels drop significantly. As a mum you have to be switched on 24/7 so low energy is not an option! I also thrive on wholesome food. When it comes to diet, I usually live by the rule, “if this doesn’t nourish my body, then why eat it!” Of course I love my cheat days occasionally, but I firmly believe our food is our fuel. The more nutritious our food is, the more energy we have.

What are your favourite indulgences?

Red wine & home made pasta. Say no more!

What is your morning routine?

My beautiful hubby delivers to me a hot lemon water every morning to me in bed and has done so for the past 15 years! I absolutely swear by drinking this golden goodness first up. Always have, always will. It's brilliant for digestion, boosts your potassium and supplies a healthy dose of Vitamin C too. Then while I am getting the kids ready for school, I drink my one coffee for the day, followed by school drop off and then straight to the gym! On weekends I turn down the pace & swap the gym for a walk to the lighthouse or along the beach with our beloved mini schnauzer Daisy.

Is there a moment or event that radically changed the way you saw the world?

Yes, the moment I became a mother! It's as if your whole world changes when you become a mother. Who you are as a person, your beliefs, your likes and dislikes, your new hyper-sensitivity to health & safety, your emotional connections, your strengths, confidence..everything is heightened.

What is one thing you are loving right now?

Fashion, it simply just keeps getting better & better every season. I am and always have been obsessed with fashion. My style constantly evolves. If only I could change my wardrobe every 12 months!

What are your most important values?

Kindness, compassion, thoughtfulness, generosity.  Manners! I’m a firm believer you can never overuse the words ‘thank you, ‘may I’ and ‘please’. It’s something I am constantly trying to instil in our children. Also to be a good listener. My dad always used to say to me “be interested, not interesting!” 

How do you ground yourself in stressful times?

My main two vices for stress release are exercise or a long walk on the beach with our dog. Watching her strut along in all her glory without a care in the world is a beautiful reminder of just how fortunate we really are. 

Rebecca wears Verse One Letter 18-Karat Gold Lapis Lazuli Bracelet 

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara 

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

 Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara 

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara 

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara 

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

Rebecca Smollen Photographed by daughters Capri and Sahara

 Film photography: Capri (11) Sahara (9)